希臘移民政策是於2013年4月頒布實施,外國投資者通過投資當地房屋可獲得居留簽證。2023年改制,投資人需要在希臘投資50萬歐元,但部份指定地區亦接受25萬歐元投資,申請人一家三代一步到位實現三個願望,包括置業、身份、及投資。希臘黃金簽證有效期為 5年。 申請人必須保留相同的投資才合資格續簽簽證。 一旦申請人在希臘居住七年,通過入籍試後便可申請公民身份。
Headquartered in Singapore, it has more than 15 years of experience in assisting clients’ migration, and has 10 branches in 8 countries. The service scope covers 28 countries and regions, and the corporate background and strength are beyond doubt! AIMS understands the needs of Hong Kong clients and put the protection of clients' rights as first priority.
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